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Original Painting
Acrylic on canvas cm 160×120

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Category: Surf LegendTags: portrait, portrait womanSKU:

Surf portrait
Titolo: Stephanie Gilmore
Technique: acrylic on canvas-original painting
Size: cm160x120
There is a specific goal beyond Vincenzo Ganadu’s intricate and interwoven network of
thoughts, concepts and dreamlike artistic images. First of all is the desire to look at these
girls, to admire them and to glorify them. There is a need to put colour on the canvas,
to highlight their active sporty intelligence and gestures of balance and power. There is
a need to depict them immersed in the sea, to present their expressions and long, wet
hair, the lines of their legs and hips and breasts, as their hands stretch out. There is
the attempt to allow everyone to experience their perfume, their voices and show their
powerful and persistent eroticism, their elegance.

Dimensions 120 × 160 cm